COVID-19 Protocol
We have updated our Covid -19 protocol
When you arrive in our parking lot, please call (815) 885-2200 or text us (815-885-5119) from your vehicle to check in for your appointment. We are inviting one person per appointment to accompany their pet into the clinic. We ask that you wear your mask while in the clinic. Someone will be out to escort you in as soon as an exam room is available.
We will continue to use our Red Carpet Curbside Service for all other appointments and food or medication pick-ups.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our loyal clients for your support during the difficult days of the pandemic. We appreciate your patience when you waited in our parking lot knowing that we must’ve had an emergency or unplanned event that was holding us up. We thank you most for the trust you have shown us taking care of your loved ones when you couldn’t be with them. We know they are your family and we respect the good care and love that you give them. Thank you for allowing us the privilege to care for them too.
Your Willow Ridge Animal Hospital Team